Tuesday, December 17, 2013

coordinate proof

Point A= -12,6
Point B= 12,3
Point C=-12, 0
Point D= 12, -3
Coordinate Proof

Slope of sides AB: slope=6-3-12-12  = ⅛
Slope of side CD: slope = (0+3)/(-12-12)=⅛

CD is parallel to AB
ABCD is a parallelogram
If a quadrilateral has two pairs of parallel sides then it is a parallelogram

Midpoint of Diagonals

CA=-12+12/2, 0+3/2 = (0, 3/2)
BD= -12+12/2, 6-3/2 = (0, 3/2)

Same midpoint of diagonals
If diagonals have the same midpoint then they bisect each other
If a quad has diagonals which bisect each other, then it is a parallelogram

Slope of sides
AB = ⅛
Side AC = undefined

Sides are not opposite reciprocals of each other, therefore not right angles
If a parallelogram has no right angles, then it can’t be a rectangle

Therefore: The quad is a parallelogram

1 comment:

  1. thorough explanation! Next time, use an equation editor. There is one in google documents. :p
